2. Units
1. Force: Newton / Dyne
2. Temperature: Kelvin/ Celsius/ Degree
3. Current: Ampere
4. Heat: Joule/ Calorie/ BTU
5. Pressure: Pascal/Torr
6. Radioactivity: Becquerel/Curie/Rutherford
7. Atomic energy: Rydberg/Joule
8. Voltage: Volt
9. Electric Potential Difference: Volt
10. Electric Charge: Coulomb
11. Power: Watt
12. Resistance: Ohm
13. Conductivity: Mho
14. Energy: Joule/ Erg
15. Distance Between Stars And Planets: Light Year
16. Wavelength: Angstrom
17. Volume: Acre-Foot/Litre
18. Frequency: Hertz
19. Rate of flow of water: Cusec
20. Length: Meter/Fermi/Parsec
21. Optical Power Of A Lens or A Curved Mirror: Dioptre
22. Plane Angle: Radian
23. Luminous Intensity: Candela
24. Amount of Substance: Mole
25. Rate Of Decay Of Radioactive Material: Rutherford
26. Sedimentation Rate: SVEDBERG Unit
27. Induction: Henry
28. Magnetic flux: Maxwell/ Weber
29. Magnetic Flux Density/Magnetic Inductivity: Telsa/Gauss
30. Electric Conductance: Siemens
31. Angle: Degree
32. Solid Angle: Steradian
33. Torque: Foot-Pound
34. Mass: Slug
35. Volume of Water Reservoirs: Acre-foot
36. Mechanical work/Energy: Erg
37. Magneto Motive Force: Gilbert
38. Newton : Force
39. Dyne: Force
40. Kelvin: Temperature
41. Celsius: Temperature
42. Degree: Temperature
43. Ampere: Current
44. Joule: Heat/Atomic Energy/Energy
45. Calorie: Heat
46. BTU: Heat
47. Pascal: Pressure
48. Torr: Pressure
49. Becquerel: Radioactivity
50. Curie: Radioactivity
51. Rutherford : Rate Of Decay Of Radioactive Material/Radioactivity
52. Rydberg: Atomic Energy
53. Volt: Voltage/Electron Potential Difference Coulomb: Electric Charge
55. Watt: Power
56. Ohm: Resistance
57. Mho: Conductivity
58. Erg: Energy
59. Light Year: Distance Between Star
60. Angstrom: Wavelength
61. Litre: Volume
62. Acre Foot: Volume
63. Hertz: Frequency
64. Cusec: Rate Of Flow Of Water
65. Meter: Length
66. Fermi: Length
67. Parsec: Length
68. Dioptre: Optical Power Of Lens
69. Radian: Plane Angle
70. Candela: Luminous Intensity
71. SVEDBERG: Sedimentation Rate
72. Henry: inductance
73. Maxwell: Magnetic Flux
74. Weber: Magnetic Flux
75. Tesla: Magnetic Flux Density/Magnetic Inductivity
76. Gauss: Magnetic Flux Density/Magnetic Inductivity
77. Siemens: Electric Conductance
78. Degree: Angle
79. Steradian: Solid Angle
80. Foot Pound: torque
81. Slug: Mass
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