5. Which of the following isgenerally not true about amanager?
a. He or she can punish orreward others.
b. He or she has legitimatepower.
c. He or she should ideallybe a leader.
d. His or her influence isbased on formal authority orposition.
e. He or she emerges froma group.
6. ______ isolate characteristics
that differentiate leaders from nonleaders.
a. Trait theories
b. Behavioural theories
c. Contingency theories
d. Transactional theories
e. Situational theories
7. Which of the following traits isnot among those thatdifferentiate leaders fromnonleaders?
a. job-relevant knowledge
b. self-confidence
c. enthusiasm
d. intelligence
e. honesty and integrity
8. The ______ style of leadership
behaviour can be further
classified in two ways: consultative and participative.
a. autocratic
b. delegative
c. democratic
d. laissez-faire
e. free-reign
9. A leader who tends to centralizeauthority, dictate work methods,and make unilateral decisions isa(n) _____ leader.
a. democratic
b. laissez-faire
c. autocratic
d. democratic-consultative
e. free-reign
10. A leader who involves employeesin decision making, delegatesauthority, and gathers inputfrom employees, but makes thefinal decision herself is using the style of leadership.
a. democratic-participative
b. laissez-faire
c. autocratic
d. democratic-consultative
e. democratic-delegative
11. A leader who involves employeesin decision making, delegatesauthority, and allows theemployees to have direct inputinto the final decision, with theleader serving as only one inputfrom the group is using the style of leadership.
a. democratic-participative
b. laissez-faire
c. autocratic
d. democratic-consultative
e. democratic-delegative
12. A leader who allows hisemployees complete freedom tomake decisions and to completework in whatever way they thinkis best is using which leadershipstyle?
a. democratic-participative
b. laissez-faire
c. autocratic
d. democratic-consultative
e. democratic-delegative
13. According to Tannenbaum andSchmidt, in the long run, whichleadership style should managersmove toward?
a. autocratic
b. laissez-faire
c. democratic-participative
d. democratic-consultative
e. boss-centred
14. Jake always consults with hisemployees and uses theirsuggestions before making adecision. He is demonstratingwhich type of leadership style,according to House?
a. directive
b. achievement-oriented
c. participative
d. supportive
e. cooperative
15. Women tend to use a more style of leadership.
a. autocratic
b. laissez-faire
c. democratic
d. directive
e. transactional
16. Men tend to use a more _______
leadership style.
a. employee-centred
b. task-centred
c. organization-centred
d. customer-centred
e. management-centred
17. The most critical dimension indetermining another'strustworthiness is:
a. integrity.
b. loyalty.
c. competence.
d. consistency.
e. openness.
18. ______ is a positive expectation
that another will not act opportunistically.
a. Integrity
b. Followership
c. Trust
d. Loyalty
e. Openness
19. The ______ dimension of trust
refers to the willingness to
protect and save face for others.
a. integrity
b. competence
c. openness
d. loyalty
e. consistency
20. As the new manager explainedthe recent sales trend, othersbegan to wonder if he reallyknew what he was talking about.Their doubt relates to the dimension of trust.
a. integrity
b. competence
c. openness
d. loyalty
e. consistency
21. Not all leaders are managers, norare all managers leaders.
a. True
b. False
22. Managers are people who areable to influence others and whopossess managerial authority.
a. True
b. False
23. Charisma and enthusiasm aretraits that have been found toconsistently differentiateleaders from nonleaders.
a. True
b. False
24. Lewin explored three leadershipbehavioursÄÄautocratic,democratic, and laissez-faire.
a. True
b. False
25. An autocratic leader would allowemployees to participate indecision making.
a. True
b. False
26. A democratic-participativeleader gathers information fromemployees but makes the finaldecision alone.
a. True
b. False
27. Tannenbaum and Schmidtsuggested that in the long run,managers should move toward anemployee-centred leadershipstyle.
a. True
b. False
28. Susan tells employees exactlywhat is expected of them,schedules work to be done, andgives specific guidance on howthe tasks should be completed.She is a supportive leader.
a. True
b. False
29. Team leaders' responsibilitiesinclude coaching, facilitating,
handling disciplinary problems, reviewing team/individual performance, training, and communication.
a. True
b. False
30. Men tend to use a moredemocratic leadership style thanwomen.
a. True
b. False
31. Leadership may not always beimportant in an organization.
a. True
b. False
32. Trust implies familiarity and risk.
a. True
b. False
5. e
6. a
7. c
8. c
9. c
10. d
11. a
12. b
13. c
14. c
15. c
16. b
17. a
18. c
19. d
20. b
21. True
22. False
23. False
24. True
25. False
26. False
27. True
28. False
29. True
30. False
31. True
32. True
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